I remember a common charge leveled against another Comedy Centry offering, The Daily Show, was that 'too many people come to it for news.' As these arrogant critics insulted the intelligence of the common viewer, silverking does so here: Nobody watches this show for intelligent discourse, they watch it for silly, slapstick humor, with a hint of social commentary. From his career, it's clear that he doesn't fancy himself much more than an entertainer though he takes advantage of his medium to convey his opinions, or to use humor to draw attention to issues oft ignored by the masses, I've seen no evidence that he holds himself to be particularly profound, and quite frankly his work has more artistic merit than many of the self-styled artists out there. Beyond South Park, Parker has been responsible for such gems as Orgazmo. The show's creators do not, as silverking claims, try to be 'smarter than they are.' Such a charge is simply untrue and-if you read silverking's other reviews here-quite hypocritical.
It's often low-brow humor, that is undeniable, but its still enjoyable, and there is, in fact, a so-called 'point,' to every episode. Since then, I've come to enjoy the series for what it is. The repeated deaths of Kenny alone put me off to the whole thing. I must admit, I dismissed the series out of hand before college.